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Learn how to safely and properly not only create and materialize energy thought forms for prosperity, abundance and successful relationships but also to apply the techniques to cleanse and balance the energy in your home and office spaces. In addition, many techniques can be used to create a prosperous and successful business

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The workshop teaches the effective way to create and materialize energy thought forms for prosperity, material & financial success, successful relationships, physical, emotional, mental & spiritual prosperity and well-being.

The secrets and formula to materialize goals and concretize short and long-term plans in life are learned and actually experimented with in the seminar.

Workshop Includes:

  • Kriyashakti, in Sanskrit, means the use of thought power to manifest things in the physical plane. Material Abundance gives you the freedom to fulfil your spiritual goals. This workshop teaches you how to properly harness the power of your thoughts and subtle energy to create a life of Prosperity and Success materially as well as spiritually.​

  • Effective ways of creating powerful thought form to attract prosperity and abundance.

  • Learn to purify your energy from unwanted poverty thought patterns that obstruct you from success.

  • Principles of Success and Prosperity.

  • Techniques on how to generate Good Luck.

  • Learn the secret Mudra to manifest your wishes.

  • Learn the Meditation on Prosperity to attract prosperity for good deeds.

  • Inclusive of workshop notes and certificate.

  • Prerequisite: Arhatic Yoga

2 days  |  16 hours


The workshop teaches the principles and concepts of the ancient art of design and placement in relation to the flow of energy, to create an environment that attracts good luck, good health and good fortune.

Esoteric Feng Shui is simple, practical, and easy to use. Effective geomancy techniques have already been validated through clairvoyance and subtle energy experimentation. Only the pure essence of true geomancy is being taught. Superstitious beliefs and practices have been removed.

Attract prosperity, success, and happiness using ancient Indian and Chinese geomancy secrets. Revealed and synthesized by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui.

Workshop Includes:

  • Learn the secrets of Chinese and Indian Geomancy as synthesized by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui for prosperity, good health, success and happiness.

  • Optimize the location and arrangement of your home and work environment to attain harmony and balance through the understanding of energy movement.

  • Identify unfavourable conditions that work against the currents of energy and institute immediate, inexpensive and practical remedies.

  • Develop a harmonious relationship between your inner and outer states of being.

  • Prerequisite: Pranic Psychotherapy

1 days  |  8 hours

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SBM Website (convert_edited.png


A revolutionary approach to successful management of your life and business using Esoteric Laws.

This innovative workshop recently designed by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui uses a revolutionary approach to the success and financial prosperity of businesses giving a modern and friendly image to management. By using energy and spiritual laws, the realization of plans and projects and the overall implementation of employee relations can be made easier.

The spiritual empowerment of individuals results in strength, confidence, clarity of goals and dynamism to handle business situations. Hear about the techniques used to bridge the gap between management and the workforce, gain mutual respect, develop stronger relationships, enhance efficiency and increase productivity. The workshop is practical and well-structured.

While the core teachings are based on ancient spiritual and esoteric principles, its concise, innovative, and effective approach to corporate management is tailored and made relevant to the modern world.

Workshop Includes:​

  • The step-by-step approach to increase business success and profits using esoteric laws.

  • Stress management with proven breathing and meditation techniques.

  • Rapid and instant physical and mental recharging techniques.

  • To develop a clear and sharp mind through meditation.

  • To create a productive, efficient and harmonious business/work environment.

  • Effective time management.

  • To improve professional and personal relationships.

  • Management using the Seven Rays (human archetypes and tendencies).

  • Highly recommended for Business owners, Entrepreneurs, Corporate administrators, Managers, Human Resource practitioners, Executives, and those starting a business or leading a team.

  • Prerequisite: Basic Pranic Healing

1 days  |  8 hours

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